We are led by our values and inspired by collaborating with aligned clients.
Nonprofits - Foundations - Associations - Start-ups - Corporate Philanthropy - Funders - Founders - Advocates - Community Organizers - Change Makers - Thought Leaders
How Can We Help Your Organization?
Event Planning & Management
Conferences - Meetings - Training Sessions - Community Events - Information Fairs - Festivals - Developing Mission/Message-Aligned Experiences and Activations - Re-Imagining Fundraising Events Centering Equity and Inclusion - Venue Sourcing - Hourly Consulting
Brainstorms - Networking Sessions - Committees - Community Engagement
Communications & Design
Copy-Writing and Messaging - Basic Graphic Design
Grant Management Assistance
Applications - Submission Review
And More
Our network of consultants are ready to help with a wide-range of tasks expanding every client’s capacity.
“If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.”